Patient Stories


Duen (cancer survivor)

We first met Duen when she was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2009. She traveled seven hours away from home to Chiang Mai for radiotherapy and needed a place of rest during her intensive weekly treatments. Duen became severely depressed and suicidal when she found out that she had cancer, but the companionship, care, and encouragement she found during her stay at Living Waters helped her persist through her treatments. Today, Duen is a cancer survivor, a close friend of ours, and a light in her community. She is a volunteer caretaker to old folks in her village, full-time farmer, and mother.


Mak (Caregiver)

We first met Mak when she came to stay after her daughter needed surgery and physiotherapy after a motorbike accident. Mak was feeling stressed as her daughter needed a long time to regain her ability to walk, so she asked if she could work for us while she stayed. During her time at Living Waters Home, she found a supportive community that encouraged her and her daughter through their difficulties. She also was given the accountability to quit her 16-year smoking habit! Mak has decided to stay on and work with us.